Mary Crawford is an Energy Transformer, Master Dowser and Nutritional Consultant. Her focus is to help you to remember the…
When we talk about caring for ourselves, it’s not just about taking time to relax. It encompasses our mental, physical,…
Dr. Patricia Boulogne, DC, CCSP, AP, CFMP is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Coach, Chiropractor, Speaker, and Author. She has…
Yvonne DiVita brings 20 years of experience to the field of communication and whether you need someone to help you…
Patricia Simone is a certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki practitioner and Intuitive Counselor. She has recently been trained as a Bioenergetic coach. …
Julie Brannon is a trained Master Herbalist and founder of Bailey’s Naturals Herbal Apothecary in Safety Harbor, Florida. She has…
Matthew Morales is a Motivational Speaker, Thought Leader and Entrepreneur who uses the “Laws of the Universe” to create a…
Halley Elise is an Empowerment Psychic who focuses on you and how to best fulfill your life. She can give…
Nikole Myers joins my show again today to discuss the benefits of using CBD. Most people want to know if…
Using the basic definition between AM and FM frequencies on a radio, Mark states “let’s think of the material world…