The Nature of Change in The Human Experience with Doug Warner

Everyone experiences a fear of change at some level.  Children fight giving up their bottles and binkies and are afraid of leaving their cribs for the “big girl/boy bed” but change is a necessary part of our lives.

Neuroscience has shown that change feels similar to failure to our brains which is the primary reason people will stay in uncomfortable situations before making a change.

We fear change mostly because we do not know what the outcome will be.  Our brains prefer to have the peace of “knowing” which reduces worry.

Doug Warner and I discuss how to move into your heart center on today’s show.  This is where your true “knowing” and intuitive self can guide you to making beneficial decisions that can lead you to living your best life.

Doug can be reached via his website or directly through email at [email protected].

Listen to this week’s program below or on your podcast platform of choice by clicking Here.


As mentioned above, we are pleased to announce that you can now listen to The Synergy Connection Show on Spotify, Apple, Google, and iHeartRadio.  Stay tuned and be sure to Follow us on your podcast platform of choice to be notified when new shows are released.

I’m also excited to announce that the new edition of my book The Adventures of Miss Twiggs & Company is now available on Amazon.  Please pick up a copy at the link above and please leave a review!


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay