A “Dreamologist” is defined as a person who specializes in the interpretation of dreams. They have been trained to understand…
Trey Malicoat holds his Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology and works today as a personal coach, writer and speaker on…
Kristin has enjoyed a 3-decade career contributing to nationally recognized and award winning non-profit or grant funded programs. She has…
All of us have heard people mention “The Law of Attraction” but what does this term mean? Simply put, it…
Bob Gilpatrick, a co-owner of Boomers Forever Young, has had a long career in the field of innovative approaches to…
You may be wondering if you have limiting beliefs causing some of the problems in your life. What are they? …
Theta Healing was started in 1995 by Vianna Stibal. It is a healing modality for the mind, body and spirit…
Jennie Lee helps to explain that we all have an “Inner Q & A” sessions that takes place daily in…
Doug Warner explains that if we could all look at our lives in a different way, each of us is…
As Chris Gibson said in his opening for today’s show, “the book industry has been dealt an unprecedentedly tough year…