A Medicine Shaman works with Medicine Spirits. Anything that a person sees as separate from themselves is a spirit with…
Victoria Hawkins is a licensed psychotherapist, artist, author, yoga instructor, dance instructor and she refers to herself as a “Suburban…
Social skills are often referred to as interpersonal skills and we use them when we interact and communicate with other…
Trey Malicoat holds his master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and works as a personal coach and speaker. On the show…
Dr. Prudhvi Karumanchi is a practicing Emergency Medicine Board Certified Physician and takes a complete approach to your health. If…
Gina Nelson is my guest on the show today and we discuss how holding on to secrets from out past…
Enlightenment is described as a movement in Europe in the 17th-18th century where ideas about God, reason, nature and politics…
Debbie N. Goldberg shares she is a “Scribe and Messenger for God”. She was a clinical therapist for 18 years…
What is the Innocence Project? “Founded in 1992 by Barry C. Scheck and Peter J. Neufeld at the Benjamin N.…
Margaret Martin has over 20 years of experience working with individuals, small businesses, and entrepreneurs. Her mission is “to help…