What Are Relationship Guidelines?

Deciding to be in a relationship is an important decision and takes time and thought.  At a minimum, it means commitment and working to make room in your life for  another person.

There are universally accepted characteristics of relationships between significant others.  The feelings of loyalty, honesty, romantic feelings, consideration, patience and understanding are just a few of the qualities considered to be important.

When you have found someone you love spending time with on a regular basis, you will also find you actually have a relationship with the “whole person”.   You really can’t “pick and choose” the parts you do and don’t like.  You will also discover you can be yourself when you accept “all” of one another.  However, keep in mind that being a “we” doesn’t mean you lose sight of who you are!

Respect for each other is also an important part of “togetherness” as a couple.  This means understanding your partner’s limitations and making an effort to not knowingly upset them.  When there are arguments which is a normal part of any relationship, do it from a place of love.

Understanding your partner’s background and family of origin will additionally go a long way in helping the two of you communicate openly and honestly.  Keep in mind they have experienced many things in their life that are totally different from your own life.

Appreciating one another’s interests also helps to create a stronger bond in the relationship.  Maybe both of you can learn a new hobby or skill by taking cooking classes together or learning how to fish or play golf.  These newly found talents could lead to amazing adventures.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for what you need.  As a rule, none of us are very good at reading minds.  Recognize that the art of communication begins by opening our mouths.  Share your thoughts and feelings and then take the time to listen!


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