Living A Life of Gratitude with Margaret Martin

What does it mean to live a life of gratitude? I think it means to recognize the blessings that come into your life even when they don’t always appear to be a blessing. Epictetus pointed out long ago that “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things he has not but rejoices for those he has”.

Today’s show with Margaret Martin looks at the importance of gratitude.  Margaret as written the book The Chatter That Matters: Your Words Are Your Power and also Your Chatter Matters: Journal of Gratitude.  They can both be found on Amazon and her website.  Her focus over the past 20 years has been to assist both individuals and organizations find solutions to their problems.

Margaret believes her mission is to help people change their mindset and transform their life.   She shares that gratitude reminds you of the positive things you have in your life, and she points out that even our challenges teach us and make us stronger.

Margaret can be contacted through the following links:

Listen to this week’s program below or on your podcast platform of choice by clicking Here.


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I’m also excited to announce that the new edition of my book The Adventures of Miss Twiggs & Company is now available on Amazon.  Please pick up a copy at the link above and please leave a review!


Image by Avi Chomotovski from Pixabay