Learning Ways To Market Anything with Chris Gibson

When people think of “marketing” a product or a service, they generally believe it means “engaging someone” on a level that educates, informs or builds a bond with the person so they will want to use or own the advertised service or product.  Although this point is true, due to digital technology, the “one on one method” from the past is no longer effective.  Social media has truly changed the way we inform consumers.

When we do a marketing campaign today, we are looking at “marketing goals” and positioning our products and services in a way that will meet those goals.  “Great marketing” convinces the consumer that your product, service or company is the best!  It’s the piece that makes “the connection” between the customer and whatever it is you’re selling.  The “experience” has to become meaningful!

Chris, who is an expert in marketing, helps today’s listener understand how to position themselves in the marketplace in order to become successful.

Listen to this week’s program below.

Listen to past shows by clicking HERE.

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