What Does It Take To Have A Healthy Relationship with Bob Gilpatrick

There are several key “ingredients” to a healthy relationship according to experts in the field.  The first area to consider is “honesty and trust” because when these two components exist, you have “respect”.

“Intellectual Compatibility” is equally important in a relationship.  It doesn’t mean you have to be “like-minded” in everything but being “equal-minded” means you can exchange ideas and find excitement in your conversations with one another.

“Communication” is also crucial in a relationship if it is to last.  Discussing not just the “light and fluffy” topics of the day but also the deep and meaningful issues means you can trust one another with your feelings and values.

“Compromising” is another important skill.  It can’t always be one person who gets their way since this will build resentment over time.  Taking turns and possibly one person giving a little more at times is all part of the dance between couples.  Sometimes we simply need to ask ourselves, is “peace more important than getting my way”?

“Patience and understanding” rather than controlling your partner goes a long way, too.  No one belongs to someone else and we need to appreciate that controlling another person is not the objective in a healthy relationship.  The quickest way to destroy love is by using control techniques.

Bob helps us appreciate how our health as well as our ability to communicate our needs can take our current relationship to the next level.  He also shares ways to re-establish love between partners who may have drifted apart.

Listen to this week’s program below.
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