The Root Cause Of Illness – The Mind with Paul Levin

Paul helps the listeners today to better understand the mind-body connection.  This is the connection between our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes and our physical body which can positively or negatively affect our health.

Stress is another major factor in our health and Paul explains how to de-stress your life through both thought and physical exercises.  When a person is under constant stress, cortisol is being released into the body continuously causing the adrenal glands to come under attack.

When a person hears “mind-body connection, they might think of “woo-woo” beliefs.  However, science is now bearing out the physiological connections between what our brain is telling us and what actually occurs within our bodies.

Paul gives listeners today great tools to help turn not only their health around but also their lives.

Listen to this week’s program below.

Listen to past shows by clicking HERE.

Image by John Hain from Pixabay