How We Continue To Reinvent Ourselves with Patricia Simone and Lucy Forsting

The interview today was a “reversal” with Patricia Simone interviewing Lucy about her life experiences.  When all of us look back at where we have been at various times, it’s amazing to see the patterns.  Doors have opened at just the right time.  We’ve met people who have been instrumental in bringing opportunities to us we couldn’t even have imagined.  Locations throughout the years have added “color” to the quilt our life was becoming.

Patricia and I hope this recording will shed some light on how all of us navigate the complexities of life with humor, inner-strength, faith and wisdom provided by others we encounter who may or may not be in physical form.  Just remember to “take time to smell the flowers” on your journey.

Listen to this week’s program below.

Listen to past shows by clicking HERE.

Image by John Hain from Pixabay