Groundhog Day and Facing Our Shadows with Tess Dalka

What is the meaning of “Groundhog Day”?  In most parts of the United States, legend says that when the groundhog emerges from the den where he/she has been hibernating and sees its shadow, six more weeks of winter will follow.

How is the shadow the groundhog sees much like the “shadow” each of us perceives within ourselves?  When we don’t understand a situation or feel threatened or fearful of moving forward with our life, we are much like the groundhog.  We retreat back into a “comfort zone” where we tell ourselves the problem doesn’t belong to us.  Rather than examine the reason we are feeling the tightness in our throat, the racing of our heart, the discomfort in our stomach or even tension headaches, we blame the “outside world”.  It’s easier to point a finger at others even though three of those fingers are pointing directly back at you.

Tess defines “LOVE” as “The Infinite Potential that is Always Here for Us as Multidimensional Beings Having Individualized Creative Experiences of ‘In-Joy-Ment’ ”. The insightfulness she brings to today’s show is meant to help each of us examine whether we are retreating from the “shadow” or moving toward the “light” with all of the exciting possibilities that exist there.

Listen to this week’s program below.

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Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash