Cognitive Enhancement with Bob Gilpatrick

By definition, cognitive enhancing drugs are called “nootropics or smart drugs”.  They are “memory enhancers” and are sometimes referred to as nutraceuticals.  There are also certain foods can potentially improve our mental functioning.  The improvements gained by using both the “smart drugs” and changing our diets can be noticed along the lines of cognition, memory, intelligence and concentration.

Along with the nootropics and diet, there are additional methods used for improving cognitive skills.  Some of the techniques used are:

  • Reducing the amount of stress in your life
  • Learning how to meditate and applying mindfulness into your life
  • Making sure you have sufficient water intake throughout the day
  • Learning to engage all of your senses
  • Doing brain exercises
  • Sleeping a sufficient amount of time so you awaken refreshed

It’s important to understand that cognitive enhancement can also apply to how we pay attention to what is going on around us.  Are you able to sustain your attention for periods of time? How is your long term memory working?  How is your short term memory?  Are you able to apply reason and logic to your daily tasks?

One of the primary fears many people have today is they will develop a cognitive disorder where memories will be lost and they won’t be able to care for themselves any longer.  Bob helps today’s listeners better understand what they can do to enhance their cognition for today as well as for many years to come.

Listen to this week’s program below.

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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay